From time to time we will offer some of our restoration tips for your VW. We will show you ways to put your classic back together with home tools to save on time and money.
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Why You Should Attend Vintage Car Shows with your Beetle.
Classic VW BuGs VLOG #1 What’s Happening Yesterday Today in the Vintage Beetle VW Scene.
If you would like to Donate to my Channel, please click HERE Thank You So Much! In this short video I show you a project we are working on, a 1956 Oval Window Sedan, part of our “Build-A-BuG” program.Follow Project HERE Many of the resto panels on the market are not year specific to complete […]
In this quick video I intro our upcoming Metal Sunroof Headliner Installation and I briefly discuss the metal rails that get installed in the sunroof.
In this short video I show you how to feed your wiring harness through the shell of your beetle.
In this short video I discuss some of the features and characteristics of the 1966 Beetle.
This is a short video Review on the Heavy Duty Aluminum Beetle Running Boards. I think these make a great addition to your vintage VW Beetle.
This is a Multi-Part Series on “How to Restore and Install a Beetle Convertible top.” We Focus on complete break down, cleaning, painting frame, to Installing the top canvas material, stapling down, rear window install, cables, padding, headliner, etc Fiber Fix Glue Here The PT50 pneumatic staple gun can be bought HERE. for […]
In this short video, does your VW always have a dead battery? Well to make sure it is not your battery, I show you a test you can do to see if something electrical is drawing juice from the battery.
In this short video I show how to join early brake hose to later brake hose when it comes time to putting in a dual master cylinder on a 1966 and earlier VW Beetle.