From time to time we will offer some of our restoration tips for your VW. We will show you ways to put your classic back together with home tools to save on time and money.
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Classic VW BuGs VLOG #12 Finding Good Workers | Static Timing Question
Classic VW BuGs VLOG #11 The Secret to a Healthy Beetle, Keep it Simple Stupid!
Classic VW BuGs VLOG #9 July 26 2019 | Podcasts | NY Treffen | Beetles For Sale | Sunroof | Fuel Type & Oil
We now offer Vintage Car Leds for your classic DuB! 6v & 12v Bulbs. Take a Look.
Classic VW BuGs VLOG#6 with 7 Practical Upgrades for Your Vintage Beetle Ghia Type 2 that can fit any budget.
This video we talk about the projects we are wrapping up, a museum car comes to the shop, and Operating my business under minimalism.
Classic VW BuGs Zalex Bench Starter Ring Adapter Engine Kit Review.
This is just a quick video discussion on the “break in” period once your VW is fully restored, and you head out for the first time.
Classic VW BuGs VLOG #3 May 31st 2019
This will be a multi Part series Classic VW BuGs How to Install Beetle Metal Sunroof Headliner.