From time to time we will offer some of our restoration tips for your VW. We will show you ways to put your classic back together with home tools to save on time and money.
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Hey Volks,Just a short tip video on the “pain in the butt” hinge pin that you want to remove. Ideally you want to do this when the car is at the body shop prior to paint. But if you must, there are some things you can try to do on your own at home or […]
Hey Volks! Its been a while since I did a new and updated video on the Vintage LEDs for your Bug! Well, here ya go! LEDs are a great alternative light for our Classic VW BuGs, they even sell 6v now. In this video, I show you how to mount them into your headlight assemblies, […]
Hey Guys, here is Part 3 of the 1954 VW Beetle Convertible Restoration SAGA! This part shows the finalizing of the bodywork and paint. We now have it back at out shop ready for assembly.
1954 VW Beetle Restoration Saga Part 2, Media Blast and Body Work.
Hey Volks! This is a new mini video series I am starting on the restoration of my 1954 Convertible Bug that I have owned for several years.
Got a call from a family in Nutley NJ wanting to sell their family owned 1970 Semi Auto Bug.
Hey Volks! Take a look at what I am showing you today in this video. New bumpers and pop out windows came online for sale at HERE And the cheaper set of pop-out windows from an Australian seller HERE bumpers HERE These items will do the trick, but there are some things to […]
In this video: Are These the BEST Floor PANS for your Classic VW Beetle Restoration Project? Floor pans are notorious to rusting out on a VW beetle, are these funky green pans the best you can get? Take a look in this video.Check out
I was asked to do a quick video on how to install the cardboard trunk liner for your VW Beetle. We show at the start the folds that need to be made on the board before installing the liner. We also show how to install without tearing the cardboard, which is very common.
This is a restoration we did several years ago. Me and my good friend “Lucky Larry” trekked out to RI to go see this ’55 Oval three fold ragtop Beetle sitting in the garage for some 25-30 years. She was all complete, numbers matching, and ready to be brought back to life. We bought her, brought her back to the shop and did some magic!