From time to time we will offer some of our restoration tips for your VW. We will show you ways to put your classic back together with home tools to save on time and money.
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In this short video series I discuss what type of interior kits are out there on the market for you to purchase for your bug. Part 1 Part 2
This is a four part series on How to Gut and strip your bug to a bare shell, get it ready for the body shop. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
In this short tip I show you how to start your Classic VW Beetle Bug Engine on the table, floor or stand. Here is what happens when a motor is just rebuilt and you start it for the very 1st time. Sometimes it is not so pretty.
In this short video I show you how to hook up your bug to get nice heat into the car.
This is just a short tip from my Ragtop headliner DVD where I show you how to apply the headliner to your back window of your bug.
In this short video I show you how to go about choosing a paint color for your bug with 21st century color swatches and keeping authenticity.
This is a short part of my Ragtop Headliner DVD, but it shows you how to sound deaden your bug.
In this short video series I show you how to finalize a deal from buying a car site unseen on the net, then reporting a car if it is misrepresented. Then, how to report a lemon on eBay, file a claim.
In this short tip I show you how to remove your windows and saving your seal.
In this short video I show how to remove your seats.