Mike contacted me early last year looking for a 1956 Oval Beetle for his wife. It had to be a ragtop and it had to be a 1956 since that was the year his wife was born. Pics Update 09/12/19
What you see is the 1973 Karmann Ghia Convertible in the classic green with tan interior.
1958 Beetle Bug Project Sedan for 2017! This bug has gone through a complete body off painted restoration!
Bob contacted me sometime last year in regards to my “Find-A-BuG” program wanting to surprise his wife with a 1967 VW Convertible. PIC Update 4/20/17
Damn what can I say, another beauty! I had this great Beetle a few years ago, we won several trophies and driving it was such a dream. FOR SALE!
Bernie contacted me in early 2016 looking for an early beetle ragtop sunroof. We found this 1957 Oval Ragtop out of NM. PICS UPDATED! 06/13/19
Hey Guys, here is another nice one for ya, a solid 1966 Black Beetle Sedan.
A Great investment! FOR SALE 1951 Split Window Crotch Cooler Beetle.
Pic Update 5-20-16! Bug is Completed! NOW FOR SALE!
A Beautiful Body Off Restoration ’67 Sedan in a Dark Green.
Found this BuG on eBay and it was only 30 min from my shop in Ridgefield NJ.