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Classic VW Bugs Topic: VW bug

February 11, 2016
Classic VW BuGs Presents Stop Motion Beetle Animation TorchBug!

Classic VW BuGs Presents Stop Motion Beetle Animation TorchBug!

I came across this funny series of stop motion animation on YouTube featuring a Yellow VW Beetle called TorchBuG!

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Categories: General News

January 7, 2016
Hagerty Says; Five classics you’d never guess were great investments

Hagerty Says; Five classics you’d never guess were great investments

The classic car market has been doing quite well since recovering in 2011 from its Great Recession-induced correction. So, it’s not surprising that certain cars have increased in value in the last year. But the identity of some of the cars that did especially well can be somewhat confounding. Here are five that were surprisingly great investments:

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November 20, 2014
Classic VW BuGs Type 1 Beetle Really Was the Car of the 20th Century

Classic VW BuGs Type 1 Beetle Really Was the Car of the 20th Century

It’s only the most manufactured car in history.
As the old commercial tagline goes: “A Volkswagen is never changed to make it look different, only to make it work better.

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