June 28, 2012
Classic VW BuGs Newsletter, VW Gathering Open House July 1st, New VID TIP on Axle Nut.

July is upon us, Summer is here in the states.
Here is what I have in store for you this week;
1. Our July 1st Vintage VW Open House Gathering is ON this Sunday
2. Air Cooled Classics Magazine Showcases some of my Video Work
3. New Vid Tip on “How to Remove your VW Axle Nut”
4. Proof of the VW Appreciating in Value
Tags: air cooled gathering,air-cooled classics magazine,beetle show,bug show,Classic VW Beetle Gathering,Classic VW Bugs Gathering,Classic VW bugs show,Treffen,VW Axle Nut,VW Gathering,VW show,VW Treffen
Categories: General News,Newsletter
April 16, 2012
Classic VW Bugs throws the 1st Show; DuBs & Coffee!

This past Sunday we had our 1st Gathering of the year DuBs & Coffee, we had a great time! People brought their Air-Cooled rides, Free to all, no trophies or awards, just good ole Air-Cooled Mingle, chat, hang FUN. Any Air-Cooled VW of any shape or size was welcome, ghia, bug, bus, etc.
Tags: air cooled gathering,all air-cooled gathering,beetle show,Classic VW Beetle,Classic VW Bugs,Dubs & Coffee,Dubs and Coffee,DubsnCoffee,Vintage VW Show,VW Gathering
Categories: General News
March 8, 2012
Classic VW Bugs Royal Palm Beach Air-Cooled Beetle Show at Francesca’s Pizza

Hey Guys here is the video I shot of the Air-Cooled VW Show I put on at my sisters restaurant; Francesca’s Pizza & Wine Bar in Royal Palm Beach Florida.
Tags: beetle show,Bug car show,bug show,Classic VW bugs show,Florida show,Francesca's Pizza,francescas vw show,royal palm beach show,royal palm beach VW show,Vintage Air-Cooled Show,VW air-cooled show,vw car show,VW show
Categories: General News,Latest Videos
October 28, 2011
Classic VW Bugs Newsletter! Last Gathering “DuBs & Coffee” Nov. 6th, & NEW TIP

Man OCTOBER IS OUT! And they are calling for SNOW already here in NY. BLAH!
Here today to keep you up to speed on a few things:
1. We are having our last VW show/gathering on Nov. 6th 2011 Called “DuBs & Coffee”
2. I have a New tip on Chrome Metal Polishing using a cool product not found on shelves
3. The 1954 Build-A-BuG ragtop project is moving forward
Tags: beetle show,bug show,build-a-bug,Chrome polishing,Classic VW Bug Show,Classic VW Bugs Newsletter,Classic VW Show,Dubs & Coffee,How to tip,New How to tip,Vintage Bug show,Vintage VW Beetle Show,Vintage VW Show,VW show,Wenol
Categories: General News,Newsletter
October 24, 2011
Classic VW BuGs Final Gathering of 2011 “DuBs & Coffee” Nov. 6th 2011

We are doing one last gathering/show this year of 2011! Sunday November 6th 2011 from 10-1pm, we will be meeting at my shop Classic VW Bugs 22 Burts Rd. Congers NY 10920 at 9:30am and will be traveling 2 miles (convoy) to the Harbors at Haverstraw Complex on the Hudson by 10am.
Tags: air cooled gathering,Air cooled show,Aircooled,Beetle,beetle show,Bug,bug show,Classic Beetle,Classic Bug,Classic VW Beetle,Classic VW Monthly Gathering,Classic VW Show,Club Gathering,Standard Beetle,The Classic Beetle,Vintage Bug,Volks,Volkswagen,VW,vw convoy,VW show
Categories: General News