June 8, 2017
Classic VW BuGs Vintage Split Oval Window Garage Barn Find Stash in Bulgaria Eastern Europe

Here is the other video I found in my internet travels, a stash of Vintage VW Beetle Bugs in the Oval and Split window era.
Tags: barn find,Beetle Stash,Bug Stash,Split stash,Vintage VWs,volkswagen stash,vw beetle stash,VW stash
Categories: General News,Latest Videos
August 28, 2013
Classic VW BuGs Resto Road Trip 1954 Convertible Beetle Barn Garage Find

This is an other incredible vintage classic Garage Barn Find here at www.ClassicVWbugs.com. A 1954 VW Beetle Convertible, one owner car.
Tags: '54 Bug,1954 Vert,1954 VW Beetle,1954 VW Bug,1954 VW convertible,54 Beetle,54 convertible,54 vert,barn find,garage find
Categories: General News,Latest Videos