June 4, 2022
Classic VW BuGs 1965 “Build-A-BuG” Restoration Project COMPLETE – Maiden Voyage Drive

Hey Volks, here she is another beauty built by Pops and I! This is a 1965 “Build – A – BuG” restoration project that we just completed for an awesome guy named RIch! Rich contacted me a couple years ago to get a bug restored for him, and here she is, our first long drive […]
Tags: 1965 Bug,1965 VW Beetle,sea blue,VW Beetle,VW beetle resto,VW Bug Restoration
Categories: General News,Latest Videos
November 14, 2013
Norm Elias a Fan from Australia emails about his 1965 DuB Beetle out fighting Cancer!

G’day Chris,
Norm from Sydney, Australia and just writing to say I follow your videos and tips and have seen how jobs are done as opposed to reading the manuals.
Tags: 1965 Bug,1965 DuB,1965 VW,1965 VW Beetle,cancer fundraiser,fan mail,vw fund raiser
Categories: Fan Mail
August 18, 2013
Classic VW BuGs Road Trip Barn Find All Original 1965 Ruby Red Beetle SOLD!

This is a perfect example on how our “Find-A-BuG” program works. We search for the gem, and we get it for you!
Tags: 1965 Beetle,1965 Bug,1965 original beetle,1965 VW Beetle,65 vw beetle,barn find bug,barn find vw,find a bug,ruby red original,Unrestored Beetle
Categories: General News,Latest Videos,VW Bugs Sold
July 31, 2013
Hugh’s 1965 Classic VW Beetle *Build-A-BuG* Project COMPLETED!

PICS/Video UPDATED 10-1-15, Project Completed Oct. 2015
Tags: 1965 Beetle,1965 Beetle Project,1965 Bug Sedan,1965 Build A BuG,1965 Restoration,1965 Sea Blue,1965 Volkswagen Beetle,1965 VW Beetle,65 Beetle,65 Bug
Categories: Build-A-Bug Completed,VW Bugs Sold
December 2, 2011
Classic VW BuGs Newsletter: New Bug For Sale! 36hp Rebuild for 1954 BuG

What I have in store for you this week:
1. FOR SALE! Wow have not heard that in a while huh? An awesome ’65 Sunroof Beetle
2. Finally got the 1954 36hp motor in, we cracked her open!
Tags: 1954 Beetle Motor,1954 Build a Bug,1954 Motor Rebuild,1954 Old Bug,1954 Oval,1954 Ragtop,1954 VW motor rebuild,1965 Beetle Sedan,1965 Bug,1965 Bug Sedan,1965 Sunroof,1965 Sunroof Beetle,1965 type 1,1965 Volkswagen,1965 VW Beetle,1965 VW Bug,36hp motor,65,Classic 1965,L378,Old Bug 1965,Praire Beige,Prairie Beige VW,Vintage 1965,Vintage 36hp motor
Categories: General News,Newsletter
Vintage Classic 1965 VW Volkswagen Old Beetle BuG Sold!

What a perfect way to start off the gift giving month, I am selling a 1965 fully restored Sunroof BuG for a good friend of mine. I guess he learned a thing or two from me when it came time to putting this lil guy back together, haha :o) She looks awesome.
Tags: 1965 Beetle Sedan,1965 Bug,1965 Bug Sedan,1965 Sunroof,1965 Sunroof Beetle,1965 type 1,1965 Volkswagen,1965 VW Beetle,1965 VW Bug,65,Classic 1965,L378,Old Bug 1965,Praire Beige,Prairie Beige VW,Vintage 1965
Categories: VW Bugs Sold