June 4, 2022
Classic VW BuGs 1965 “Build-A-BuG” Restoration Project COMPLETE – Maiden Voyage Drive

Hey Volks, here she is another beauty built by Pops and I! This is a 1965 “Build – A – BuG” restoration project that we just completed for an awesome guy named RIch! Rich contacted me a couple years ago to get a bug restored for him, and here she is, our first long drive […]
Tags: 1965 Bug,1965 VW Beetle,sea blue,VW Beetle,VW beetle resto,VW Bug Restoration
Categories: General News,Latest Videos
October 11, 2018
Classic VW BuGs 1965 *Build-A-BuG* project for Richard M.

Richard contacted me in early 2018 looking for a ’64-’65 beetle in Sea Blue. We found this next “Build-A-BuG” 1965 Beetle out of Long Island for him. Pics updated 06-22-22
Tags: 1965 Bug,1965 Build A BuG,1965 Restoration,1965 Sea Blue,build-a-bug
Categories: Build-A-Bug Completed
March 8, 2018
Classic VW BuGs 1965 Build A BuG Beetle Restoration Complete 1st Drive Out

Here is another one of our “Build-A-BuG” projects we just completed, an original numbers matching 1965 Sea Blue Sedan.
Tags: 1965 Beetle,1965 Bug,1965 Build A BuG,1965 Resto,1965 Sea Blue
Categories: General News,Latest Videos
February 22, 2018
Classic VW BuGs 1965 Beetle Tips Changes Year Characteristics

In this short video I discuss the changes that happened to the VW beetle in 1965. This car was part of our “Build-A-BuG” restoration program finished in 2018.
Tags: 1965 Bug,1965 Build A BuG,1965 Sea Blue,1965 VW,65 changes,Mike's '65 VW,Mikes 1965 VW
Categories: General News,Latest Videos,VW Restoration Tips
November 16, 2017
Classic VW BuGs 1965 Sea Blue Build-A-BuG Body Off Beetle Resto Project

Here is another one of our “Build-A-BuG” projects that we are completing for a client. This is an original 1965 Sea Blue Sedan. This Video Shows the body going back down on its chassis.
Tags: 1965 Body Down,1965 Bug,1965 Sea Blue,1965 VW,65 VW,sea blue
Categories: General News,Latest Videos
November 14, 2013
Norm Elias a Fan from Australia emails about his 1965 DuB Beetle out fighting Cancer!

G’day Chris,
Norm from Sydney, Australia and just writing to say I follow your videos and tips and have seen how jobs are done as opposed to reading the manuals.
Tags: 1965 Bug,1965 DuB,1965 VW,1965 VW Beetle,cancer fundraiser,fan mail,vw fund raiser
Categories: Fan Mail
August 18, 2013
Classic VW BuGs Road Trip Barn Find All Original 1965 Ruby Red Beetle SOLD!

This is a perfect example on how our “Find-A-BuG” program works. We search for the gem, and we get it for you!
Tags: 1965 Beetle,1965 Bug,1965 original beetle,1965 VW Beetle,65 vw beetle,barn find bug,barn find vw,find a bug,ruby red original,Unrestored Beetle
Categories: General News,Latest Videos,VW Bugs Sold