March 14, 2024
Ben’s 1964 Convertible Beetle “Build-A-BuG”

Ben reached out to me late 2023 about this very cool 1964 VW Beetle convertible that has been in his family since 1964.
Tags: 1964 VW,Aircooled,Beetle,build-a-bug,Classic Beetle,Classic Bug,Classic VW Beetle,Classic VW Bugs,Old Bug,resto,Vintage Beetle,Volkswagen,VW Restoration
Categories: Build-A-Bug Active,General News
December 13, 2017
Classic VW BuGs Fan Mail Jason K and his 1964 Beetle

Just wanted to send you a note to thank you for all the VW knowledge you put out to the world. My girls are 13 and 10 and love the VW hobby. You do such a wonderful job explaining the How-To’s and we wanted to let you know how much it means to us!! Thank you from St. Augustine, FL!!
Tags: 1964 Beetle bug,1964 bug,1964 VW,Classic VW Bugs Fan,fan mail
Categories: Fan Mail,General News