November 16, 2022
Gorgeous Bordeaux Red 1955 VW Beetle Three Fold Ragtop – Full Restoration

Hey Volks! Here is another restoration completed last year by my shop “Classic VW BuGs.” This is a rare numbers matching late 1955 3 fold ragtop Bug. Yes the color is not original to ’55, but this was the color the client wanted, it still screams bug all the way. L51 Bordeaux red was during […]
Tags: 1955 Beetle,1955 Bug,1955 VW,L51,Oval ragtop,oval window beetle
Categories: General News,Latest Videos
August 14, 2021
Classic VW BuGs – VLOG #24 – 90k Beetle Hammers Down!

Hey Guys! August 14th 2021 VLOG #24. We chat about a 1957 Ragtop Beetle that hammers down at the Gooding and Company Auction for 90k
Tags: 1955 Beetle,1957 Beetle 90k,1958 Beetle,90k bug,Bug Parts,Chris Vallone,Classic VW Bugs,fall cruise
Categories: General News,Latest Videos
March 3, 2017
Classic VW BuGs Presents 1955 Volkswagen Beetle – Jay Leno’s Garage

Matt Jacobson is the Head of Market Development for Facebook and Instagram. He’s also a man who lives by the water in Manhattan Beach, California, loves to surf, does yoga to clear his mind and collects (unpolished) vintage Rolexes and Pateks in his spare time. Perhaps unsurprisingly, his car collection also revolves around preserving original patina.
Tags: 1955 Beetle,1955 Bug,1955 Patina,55 vw,Jay Lenos Garage,Jay lenos Garage 55 vw,VW bug 55
Categories: General News
February 25, 2016
Classic VW BuGs Relive the Lucky Larry 1955 VW Beetle Ragtop Sunroof Garage Find Journey

Let’s Relive the Journey in this multi 9 part video series on a 1955 VW Beetle Ragtop Project Garage Find. We took to the road to Rhode Island to inspect and seek out this beauty.
Tags: 1955 Beetle,1955 Bug,1955 Project,1955 Ragtop,1955 Sunroof,1955 VW,55 Restoration,Lucky Larry,Lucky Larrys 1955
Categories: General News,Latest Videos
August 8, 2013
Classic VW BuGs ’55 Beetle Ragtop Road Trip Garage Find Resto Project Series

This is a multi part video series on a 1955 VW Beetle Ragtop Project Garage Find that we took to the road to Rhode Island to inspect and buy! Updated 5-28-2015!
Tags: 1955 Beetle,1955 Beetle Bug,1955 Project,1955 Ragtop,1955 Ragtop Restoration,1955 Restoration,1955 Sunroof project,1955 VW,1955 VW Bug
Categories: General News,Latest Videos,VW Bugs Sold
February 7, 2012
Classic VW Bugs Our ’55 Ragtop Beetle in the 2011 Fairfield Concours D’ Elegance

My 1955 VW Beetle Ragtop gets accepted to the 2011 Fairfield CT. Concours D’ Elegance. 1st bug to be accepted to the show. We also had the pleasure to meet Wayne Carini from “Chasing Classic Cars.”
Tags: 1955 Beetle,1955 Ragtop BuG,55 beetle,Chasing Classic Cars,Classic 1955 Bug,concours d elegance,FairField,Fairfield Concours,oldbug 1955 Beetle,vintage 55 beetle,Wayne Carini
Categories: Latest Videos
January 5, 2012
Classic VW BuGs Kicks off 2012 with a BanG! Feature Article in Air-Cooled Mag.

I hope everyone had a great Holiday and a Happy New Year.
I have many things in store for you guys this year;
-New How To Videos for YouTube & How tos going to DVD
-New “Vintage VW Movement” T-Shirts are being designed as we speak.
-Phone call and tele-seminar interviews/courses
-More Build-A-BuGs
-We Move to a New SHOP!
-Me and my story hit the front cover of Air-Cooled Classics Magazine
Tags: 1955 Beetle,1955 Bug,Air Cooled Classics,aircooled classics magazine,build-a-bug,Classic VW Bugs,Classic VW Bugs Newsletter,How to VW tip,old Bug 1955,vintage vw
Categories: General News,Newsletter
January 1, 2012
My Story & my ’55 Ragtop makes the Feature in Air-Cooled Classics Magazine!

The issue is out, I make the front cover! What a way to start 2012!
Tags: 1955,1955 Beetle,1955 Bug,1955 Old Bug,1955 Ragtop,air-cooled classics magazine,AirCooled Classics,aircooled classics magazine,Chris Vallone,Classic VW Bugs,My 55 ragtop,Olg Bug 1955,Vintage 55 ragtop
Categories: General News