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Latest Build-A-Bug: Ben’s 1964 Convertible Beetle “Build-A-BuG”

Classic VW Bugs Topic: 1200cc

June 12, 2011
Another Pearl White 1962 Classic VW Beetle BuG

Another Pearl White 1962 Classic VW Beetle BuG

Well what can I say, another cream lil buggie. We love these color bugs especially with their red interiors. This one was just magnificent, the “Lil Ole Lady” bug found in CT.

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Categories: VW Bugs Sold

May 20, 2011
James Spearman: A Classic VW Bugs Fan from North Carolina

James Spearman: A Classic VW Bugs Fan from North Carolina

I believe in you and your work young man. I have looked at most everything you have on the internet, and studied your work, and formed an opinion of your character.

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Categories: Fan Mail

October 12, 2010
1964 VW Beetle BuG Sedan “The Orange Effect”

1964 VW Beetle BuG Sedan “The Orange Effect”

Now you know we rarely paint our cars an outrageous color, but we found this car on the internet sitting in Cali already painted. The color is a Nissan color called “The Orange Effect.” It looked great in the pics from the net so we had to buy it.

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Categories: VW Bugs Sold

September 5, 2010
*Build-A-BuG, 1962 VW Beetle Convertible Build-A-BuG!*

*Build-A-BuG, 1962 VW Beetle Convertible Build-A-BuG!*

An immaculate restoration we did for a couple in Dallas TX. This was to be their wedding anniversary gift, and what a gift it was. I was so proud of this car that I wanted to call the owner and tell him I will keep the car!

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Categories: Build-A-Bug Completed,VW Bugs Sold

February 5, 2010
*Vintage 1956 VW Oval Beetle BuG Ragtop*

*Vintage 1956 VW Oval Beetle BuG Ragtop*

My first oval window rag restoration. I owned this car for a good amount of time through last years show season. I even got a small spot in the March 2010 issue of Hot VWs magazine with this car for winning at a VW show 1st place.

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Categories: VW Bugs Sold

August 8, 2009
VW Treffen in Hessisch Oldendorf Germany 2009

VW Treffen in Hessisch Oldendorf Germany 2009

HELD EVERY 4 YEARS The Hessisch Oldendorf in Germany is very similar to Bad Camberg as they only come around every 4 years. These shows are the cream of the crop when it comes to REAL VINTAGE VWs. The next Hessisch Oldendorf will be in 2013. There are a couple shows that come up in […]

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Categories: Latest Videos

July 16, 2009
*1954 VW Oval Window Beetle BuG* “Lil Buddy”

*1954 VW Oval Window Beetle BuG* “Lil Buddy”

Well it brings a tear to my eye every time I look at the pics of this bug. This was the find of a lifetime, found ten minutes from my home rotting in a driveway with four flat tires, a mountain of sludge in the gas tank, and a couple lil critters made their home in there.

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Categories: VW Bugs Sold

June 4, 2009
Classic 1959 VW Beetle Bug Sedan “Minty”

Classic 1959 VW Beetle Bug Sedan “Minty”

This lil guy was a body on resto. We like doing those, especially the ones from Cali, like this guy! Super solid car to start out with, fresh paint, interior, chrome, you name it.

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Categories: VW Bugs Sold

April 9, 2009
The 1956 VW Oval Window BuG Lil ButterCup!

The 1956 VW Oval Window BuG Lil ButterCup!

This was a sweet lil bug that I found off of eBay from Cali. She came pretty much complete. We tweaked up the chrome, seats, headliner, seals, put new white walls on, you name it!

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Categories: VW Bugs Sold

February 11, 2009
1961 VW Beetle Ragtop BuG Iris Blue

1961 VW Beetle Ragtop BuG Iris Blue

This was one of my best restos along with the ’58 ragtop that sold in the same week. We bought this car with an already solid foundation…

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Categories: VW Bugs Sold