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Classic Porsche Deluxe Engine Sound Insulation Tar Boards 911/912 1965 -1989


Classic VW BuGs is proud to offer Porsche Engine Compartment Sound Insulation Kit for Porsche 911/912 from 1965-1989. These are deluxe pads for 911/912 & 912e, SC Carrera 3.2.

After selling my vintage VW Beetle and Karmann Ghia Engine Tarboard insulation, many Porsche fans were asking if I could make a kit for their beloved 911/912 Porsche coupes. Many fans took a liking to my boards after seeing my Dubs at the car shows.

So here we have it, I finally have the kit ready. Please take a look at the pictures and video of this kit I offer, and please ask any questions you may have. “Buy it Now” button is Below!

The Waffle Pattern really makes the engine bay PoP! This is a nice contrast to compliment the engine compartment and its surroundings instead of just flat material. This is a durable APP modified bitumen material. $125.00 FREE SHIPPING for the back board piece and $100.00 Free Shipping on the (912 only Side Pieces)

More Photos HERE on these Boards

911/912 1965-1989 Engine Insulation $125.00 Free Shipping Pick Version Below in Drop Down


912 Side Pieces

Insulation Side Pieces 912 1965-1973   $100.00 Free Shipping!

*** If you are outside of the U.S., please contact to purchase.



We Recommend to Use Contact Cement to hold in place BUY HERE
or Sheet Metal Screws with Finishing Washers.

Last Updated: July 10th, 2023


356 engine insulation 356 Porsche 356 porsche engine bay Engine insulation insulation tarboards