Hey Volks! Here is the section of our website where we make the spot light! Through the course of our business starting from the very beginning, local and national media outlets have approached us from time to time for a story on how we go about “Restoring Beetles Back to their Historical Beauty.”
This is a Q&A Interview that I did answering my BuD and Pal Eric Shoemaker from 1967Beetle.com
How did my Lil VW Business Get Started? I get asked this question all the time, well here it is!
Two were sitting under a tree in New Jersey, another languished partially restored in a garage in Minneapolis. One was hibernating in a barn outside Charlotte, N.C. Many have come from Arizona, New Mexico and California, where the dry air and salt-free roads have been kind to vintage Volkswagen Beetles.
Well Take 2 Is OUT! This was the piece that we didn’t expect, the full two minutes just on our SHOP and BiZ.
The FOX NEWS bit finally aired! I got the video right here.
I make the pages of Jim Cockrum’s 101 Free Marketing Book.
This 1954 Bug we worked on was one of our Build-A-BuG projects at the time. We found something real special in this car when we were stripping it down, something we have never found before.