Hey Volks! Here is the section of our website where we make the spot light! Through the course of our business starting from the very beginning, local and national media outlets have approached us from time to time for a story on how we go about “Restoring Beetles Back to their Historical Beauty.”
Hey Volks! I was interviewed a few weeks back by James Maddalone from the Kingdom Heir Podcast @kingdomheirsco
My first interview being down here in Sunny South Florida.
You can read the whole article HERE Burton Hall from Drivin-News stopped by our shop for a lil chat on business and life at Classic VW BuGs in Congers NY. Or download the PDF HERE
We Hit the Great Pages of VolksAmerica Magazine in October of 2019! 6 Page Spread.
Hey Volks, Here is another podcast I was interviewed with, the “Lets Talk Dubs Podcast” out of California. These guys have developed a real nice following globally, and they continue to grow. I had the pleasure of speaking with them July 18th 2019. Take a listen, Episode #30.
On July 18th 2019 I was interviewed by Victoria Whitehouse from England with her online radio station www.VdubRadio.com. Take a listen below. We talk VduB and how my business started.
Classic VW BuGs CBS News Chris Vallone Beetles with Don Dahler
Here is a national news story that CBS did on my shop Classic VW BuGs in 2018. Pops and I made the cut!
We make the local news again, the journal news showcases the Classic VW BuGs Restoration Shop here in NY!
Classic VW BuGs Cars Yeah Chris Vallone Story Biography Beetle Interview