Hey Volks! Been meaning to do a vid like this for a while. What is your favorite VW Beetle Era? The 1950s? The ’60s? The 70’s? or the newer 2000s?
Which Customization Style do you Prefer for your Classic VW?
Hey Volks! Thought I would do a mid summer update on the current market of our beloved Classic VW Beetle. At the time of this video, we are in August of 2024, mid summer. How do things look currently for our Vintage BuG?
Hey Volks! This is a THROWBACK video I did many years ago, it doesn’t get old. These are great memories working on these engines with my father, something I will always cherish. A reboot of a 1954 VW Beetle Bug 36hp engine, bringing it back to life after sitting for 30 years. A fun video.
Saturday October 26th 2024 Rain Date Sunday the 27th.
Hey Volks! I was interviewed a few weeks back by James Maddalone from the Kingdom Heir Podcast @kingdomheirsco
Hey Volks! Truly an amazing piece of history is up for sale on the site, this 1946 VW Beetle. This of course is not very often that one of these Vintage VWs goes up for sale.
I have been meaning to do this video for quite a while, and that is to discuss the situation we have been facing for many years on the quality of the parts on the market today.