Hey Guys,
This is just a short video of the last VW gathering we had at our shop. We keep growing in size each time we do it. My street where we hold the show can hold up to a couple hundred cars, so lets keep going! I try to hold these shows the first Sunday of the month from 10am-1pm.
Our Next Gathering is this Sunday Oct. 2nd 2011 from 10-1pm. We will also be having an open house of our shop, see the latest “Build-A-BuG” projects we are working on and the latest ’53 Oval Rag we just got in.
Shine only, if it rains, stay home! =o)
Air-Cooled Only! Bring your DuB, relax, mingle, chat, go apple picking at the farm near by, and soak up the VduB scene.
At this months gathering I will be telling you about a 30 Mile cruise through the Hudson Valley we are putting together for the 22ndd of October. A very scenic cruise, perfect to see the fall foliage.
Fall Foliage All-Aircooled VW Beetle, BuS, Ghia 30 Mile Cruise into the Hudson Valley on October 22nd 2011.
Free Admission, just bring your air-cooled dub of any shape and size.
Tour leaves by 10am on Saturday from my shop “Classic VW Bugs” 22 Burts Rd. Congers NY 10920. If you plan to attend, please be at shop by 9am.
We head up the Hudson Valley into Orange, over the Bear Mountain Bridge. We stop for a tasteful lunch, then head back and end at the “Harbors at Haverstraw” complex on the water overlooking the Hudson.
More food, refreshments, snacks are available at the Harbors as well within its beautiful setting.
This is a very scenic tour through the greater Hudson Valley, beautiful views of the Hudson River and the fall colors throughout the convoy. Perfect way to end the show season here in the NY Tri-State area with the VW scene.
Any questions, please call me 845.290.9900 or email me chris@classicvwbugs.com
VW Gathering Video is Below
Last Updated: September 19th, 2017
1192cc 1200cc 1600cc 1950s 1959 1971 36hp 40hp 60s beetles 60s vw bugs 70s beetles 70s vw bugs Air-Cooled Aircooled Beetle Bug bug show Classic Beetle Classic Bug Classic VW Beetle Classic VW Bugs Euro Euro Sedan German Germany Kafer Old Bug oldbug oval window Ragtop resto restoration Standard Beetle Standard Bug Sunroof The Classic Beetle Treffen Type 1 Vintage Vintage Beetle Vintage Bug Vintage Vw Treffen Volks Volkswagen VW VW Treffen WolfsburgCategories: