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STATUS: SOLD! 02/07/20
Here is another project we put on our plate, a 1970 Original Numbers Matching Yukon Yellow Convertible Beetle. A fella in upstate NY called me to come get his bug that has been with his family since the early 80s. Now I have been hesitant to take on resto projects after 1968 due to the fact that their value has not increased all that much in the past. But since they are now approaching the 50 year old line, the market could start making a change for the better. I plan on getting to work on this bug in 2018, stay tuned for the progress here.
Latest Videos Below!
Intro to the 1970 VW.
PART 1 TEAR DOWN 12/21/17
PART 2 BODY OFF 1/11/18
PART 3 Cutting Out Rotted Metal
PART 4 Support Rails and Chassis
PART 5 Chassis & Body Resto Con’t
PART 6 Body Down, Start Engine Rebuild
PART 7 Shell Sent off to Paint Shop, Con’t 1641cc Engine Build
PART 8 Con’t Chassis Work and Start the 1641cc!
PART 9 Media Blasting Shell!
PART 10 Seats, Top Frame, & Body Work
PART 11 Shell is Painted!
PART 12 Start Assembly!
Part 13 Convertible Top Dilemma
Top Installation Update! 5-31-18
Top Installation Update! 6-7-18
POSING in the SUN! 7-5-18
Last Updated: February 9th, 2023