December 4, 2014
Classic VW BuGs, How Vallone Started an Internet Based Business with Volkswagen Beetles

How did my Lil VW Business Get Started? I get asked this question all the time, well here it is!
Tags: Classic VW Bug Business,Classic VW Bugs Business,Vallone Beetle Business,VW Beetle Biz,VW Business,VW Business Story
Categories: General News,Newsletter,Press
May 31, 2012
Classic VW BuGs USA TODAY Story The Journal News Vintage Volkswagen Beetle Spotlight

Two were sitting under a tree in New Jersey, another languished partially restored in a garage in Minneapolis. One was hibernating in a barn outside Charlotte, N.C. Many have come from Arizona, New Mexico and California, where the dry air and salt-free roads have been kind to vintage Volkswagen Beetles.
Tags: Chris Vallone Journal News,Chris Vallone Lohud,Classic VW Bugs Lohud,Classic VW bugs News Press,Journal News Story,rockland Journal News story,Vintage Vws News Story
Categories: Latest Videos,Press
February 20, 2012
Classic VW Bugs & Chris Vallone hits Fox News, Take 2!

Well Take 2 Is OUT! This was the piece that we didn’t expect, the full two minutes just on our SHOP and BiZ.
Tags: biz on fox,chris on fox news,Chris Vallone,Chris Vallone fox news,Chris Vallone on FoxNEWS,Classic VW Bugs,Classic VW Bugs on fox,classicvwbugs on fox,fox,Fox NEWs,FOX news channel,FOXNEWS,old bug on fox,Vintage bugs on fox
Categories: General News,Latest Videos,Press
February 17, 2012
Classic VW Bugs & Chris Vallone hit Fox News, reviewing the 2012 Beetle

The FOX NEWS bit finally aired! I got the video right here.
Tags: Beetle on FOX News,Chris Fox News,Chris Vallone,Classic VW Bugs,Fox NEWs,FOX news channel,FOXNEWS,old bugs on fox,Vallone on news,Vallones Bugs,Vintage bugs on fox
Categories: General News,Latest Videos,Press
January 12, 2011
Classic VW BuGs Army Dog Tags found in Beetle Project! News Channel 12 ABC

This 1954 Bug we worked on was one of our Build-A-BuG projects at the time. We found something real special in this car when we were stripping it down, something we have never found before.
Tags: Army Dog Tags,build-a-bug,Chris Vallone,News 12,VW Beetle Dog Tags,VW Dog Tags,VW Restoration
Categories: Press