February 2, 2012
Classic VW BuGs T-Shirt Ideas, Round 2, this time on WHITE.

Ok, so many of you have been commenting on my black T-Shirts I made a couple weeks ago, if you missed it, check out these new ones on WHITE!
Tags: Beetle T-Shirt,Beetle Tee,Classic Bug Tee,Classic VW T-shirt,Old Beetle T-Shirt,Old Bug T-Shirt,OldBug T-shirt,Stock VW T-shirt,Vintage Beetle Tee,Vintage Bug T-Shirt,Vintage Bug Tee,vintage VW t-shirt,Vintage VW tee
Categories: General News
January 29, 2012
Classic VW Bugs wants to Sell your BuG 4 YOU!

For a while now people who have bugs have been emailing and calling me about “Selling Their BuGs” for them. This is something I am more than happy to do and something that will benefit you and our buyers.
Tags: Beetle Consignment,Buy a VW Bug,Classic Vw Bugs Sells,Consignment,Consignment Bugs,Sell a Vintage oldbug,Sell your VW Beetle,Selling a VW,VW Consignment
Categories: General News,Latest Videos
January 19, 2012
My Classic Vintage VW Movement Beetle Bug T-Shirt Designs

As I stated earlier this year, it is my mission to keep the “Vintage Stock” Beetle Alive! As we go to shows or read magazines we can see that the “Custom” Bugs take over the Vintage Stock bugs, I want to change that!
Tags: Beetle T-Shirt,Beetle Tee,Beetle Tee Shirt,Black Beetle T-shirt,Bug T-shirt,BuG tee,Bug Tee shirt,Classic Beetle t-shirt,Old Beetle T-Shirt,Old Bug T-Shirt,T-shirt,VW T-shirt
Categories: General News
January 5, 2012
Classic VW BuGs Kicks off 2012 with a BanG! Feature Article in Air-Cooled Mag.

I hope everyone had a great Holiday and a Happy New Year.
I have many things in store for you guys this year;
-New How To Videos for YouTube & How tos going to DVD
-New “Vintage VW Movement” T-Shirts are being designed as we speak.
-Phone call and tele-seminar interviews/courses
-More Build-A-BuGs
-We Move to a New SHOP!
-Me and my story hit the front cover of Air-Cooled Classics Magazine
Tags: 1955 Beetle,1955 Bug,Air Cooled Classics,aircooled classics magazine,build-a-bug,Classic VW Bugs,Classic VW Bugs Newsletter,How to VW tip,old Bug 1955,vintage vw
Categories: General News,Newsletter
January 3, 2012
A Classic 1967 VW Beetle BuG L620 Savanna Beige Gem for myself

Found this car on craigslist about a month or so back, price looked right, pics looked pretty good, and it was only about an hour from me in Westport CT.
Tags: 1967 REsto,1967 VW Beetle,1967 VW Bug Restoration,1967 VW Bug. Chris' 1967 Beetle,67 L620 Savanna Beige,67 VW Restoration,L620 Savanna Beige,L620 Savanna Beige 67
Categories: General News
January 1, 2012
My Story & my ’55 Ragtop makes the Feature in Air-Cooled Classics Magazine!

The issue is out, I make the front cover! What a way to start 2012!
Tags: 1955,1955 Beetle,1955 Bug,1955 Old Bug,1955 Ragtop,air-cooled classics magazine,AirCooled Classics,aircooled classics magazine,Chris Vallone,Classic VW Bugs,My 55 ragtop,Olg Bug 1955,Vintage 55 ragtop
Categories: General News
December 22, 2011
Classic VW Bugs 2011 Recap, Moving on to 2012!

This will be my last newsletter of the 2011 year. So I took it upon myself to do a refresh of all the great things that I experienced this year with the “Vintage VW Movement” and my biz www.ClassicVWbugs.com
Tags: 1955 Ragtop BuG,Air Cooled Classics,Air-Cooled,Aircooled,Aircooled gathering,Beetle,build-a-bug,Classic Beetle,Classic Bug,Classic VW Beetle,Classic VW Beetles,Classic VW Bugs,concours d elegance,Euro,Euro Sedan,Fall Convoy,fall foliage cruise,News 12,Old Bug,Sunroof,Treffen,Vintage So Cal Treffen,Vintage VW Beetle,Vintage VW Bug,VW Gathering
Categories: General News,Newsletter
December 21, 2011
Classic VW BuGs and my 1955 Ragtop Sedan Makes the Front Page

Hell yeah! Check it out, my story and my 1955 Ragtop Bug make the front cover of Air Cooled Classics Magazine
Tags: 1955 Old Bug,1955 Oldbug,1955 Ragtop,1955 VW Beetle,Air Cooled Classics,Air Cooled Magazine,AirCooled Classics,aircooledclassics,Chris Vallone,Classic 1955 Beetle,Classic 1955 Bug,Feature Story,Vintage 1955 Bug
Categories: General News
December 16, 2011
Classic VW Bugs Newsletter; 69 BuG on eBay, Fuel Additive, and More…

What I have in store for you this week;
1. 1969 Delta Green BuG rockin it on eBay!
2. StarTron Fuel Additive
3. Shoemaker’s 2011 Interview Recap, yours truly is there.
4. Coil Resto
5. A VW show in Palm Beach? I’m thinking of it!
6. A Beetle Graveyard in “BugsVille”
Tags: 1969 Beetle,1969 Bug,1969 VW Beetle,Bug Graveyard,Bugsville,Coil Restoration,Delta Green Beetle,Delta Green VW,Eric Shoemaker,Fuel Additive,Old Bug,Star Tron,StarTron
Categories: General News,Newsletter
December 9, 2011
Classic VW BuGs Newsletter; Two Bugs for Sale, & Vintage Movement

What I have in store for you this week;
1. Two Classic VWs for sale on our site!
– From last week, the 1965 Sunroof Sedan
– And this week, a 1969 Delta Green Sedan
2. Keeping the Vintage Movement Alive!
3. Winterizing your Bug
Tags: 1965 Beetle Sunroof,1965 Bug,1969 Bug,1969 Delta Green,1969 Sedan,1969 VW Beetle,Classic 1965,General News,Newsletter,Storing your VW,Vintage 1965,Vintage Movement,winterizing your beetle,Winterizing your bug
Categories: General News,Newsletter