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Classic VW Bugs Category: General News

July 12, 2012
Classic VW BuGs Newsletter; Two new video Tips, 1967 Find, & Project Updates

Classic VW BuGs Newsletter; Two new video Tips, 1967 Find, & Project Updates

We are in MID July already, here is what I have in store for you this week;

1. Two new videos by ME, one on

“Where I get my parts”?

the other “How to get RID of Ethanol?”

2. New 67 Project I found!
3. Bound Brook NJ “Show-N-Shine” show this Sunday
4. Latest Project updates, new Build-A-BuGs hit the line-up

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Categories: General News,Newsletter

July 6, 2012
Classic VW BuGs Newsletter; USA TODAY story on US and our Beetles, New Vid tip on Steering Box, & Vintage Flare!

Classic VW BuGs Newsletter; USA TODAY story on US and our Beetles, New Vid tip on Steering Box, & Vintage Flare!

4th of July Weekend here in the US, so I will try to keep this quick;

Here is what is in store this week;

1. Pops and I hit USA Today Paper this past Monday
2. Vid Tip on Adjusting Steering Box
3. My bud Eric Shoemaker with some NOS Vintage detail

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Categories: General News,Newsletter

June 28, 2012
Classic VW BuGs Newsletter, VW Gathering Open House July 1st, New VID TIP on Axle Nut.

Classic VW BuGs Newsletter, VW Gathering Open House July 1st, New VID TIP on Axle Nut.

July is upon us, Summer is here in the states.

Here is what I have in store for you this week;

1. Our July 1st Vintage VW Open House Gathering is ON this Sunday
2. Air Cooled Classics Magazine Showcases some of my Video Work
3. New Vid Tip on “How to Remove your VW Axle Nut”
4. Proof of the VW Appreciating in Value

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Categories: General News,Newsletter

June 22, 2012
Classic VW Bugs Newsletter; The Appreciating Value of the Volkswagen Beetle

Classic VW Bugs Newsletter; The Appreciating Value of the Volkswagen Beetle

Nearing the end of June and it is a Scorcher in NY!

Here is what I have in store for you this week;
1. The Value of the VW Beetle Continues to Rise
2. Brief recap of Litchfield
3. Two Help Tip Videos, Brakes and Door handle Repair
4. Sunday July 1st Classic VW Bugs Gathering at shop.

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Categories: General News,Newsletter

June 14, 2012
Classic VW Bugs Newsletter; Litchfield CT 2012 BuG In Convoy, Product Review POR engine enamel

Classic VW Bugs Newsletter; Litchfield CT 2012 BuG In Convoy, Product Review POR engine enamel

Here is what I have in store for you;

1. Litchfield CT “BuG In” Show Convoy this Sunday (Fathers Day)
2. Product Review Engine Enamel from POR-15
3. My 1953 Getting painted

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Categories: General News,Newsletter

June 7, 2012
Classic VW Bugs June 8th Newsletter; Palm Beach Show Wrap up, New Tees, Litchfield Bug-In Convoy

Classic VW Bugs June 8th Newsletter; Palm Beach Show Wrap up, New Tees, Litchfield Bug-In Convoy

Amazing June is already here, where did May go? Oh she’s over there —> haha

Anywayz… here is what I have in store for you this week;

1. Palm Beach Florida Show wrap up
2. Vid tip on Pointless Ignition Install
3. 4 More T-shirts
4. Litchfield BuG-In Convoy June 17th
5. Latest Projects

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Categories: General News,Newsletter

May 31, 2012
Classic VW BuGs USA TODAY Story The Journal News Vintage Volkswagen Beetle Spotlight

Classic VW BuGs USA TODAY Story The Journal News Vintage Volkswagen Beetle Spotlight

Two were sitting under a tree in New Jersey, another languished partially restored in a garage in Minneapolis. One was hibernating in a barn outside Charlotte, N.C. Many have come from Arizona, New Mexico and California, where the dry air and salt-free roads have been kind to vintage Volkswagen Beetles.

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Categories: Latest Videos,Press

Classic VW Bugs June 1st Newsletter; Palm Beach Show June 3rd, New Lady Tanks, NEWS PRESS

Classic VW Bugs June 1st Newsletter; Palm Beach Show June 3rd, New Lady Tanks, NEWS PRESS

Classic VW BuGs June 1st Newsletter;

Here is what I have in store for you this week;

1. Palm Beach Florida VW Gathering this Sunday June 3rd
2. New Ladies Black Tank Tops on sale
3. Vintage DuB gathering at my shop Sunday July 1st
4. I hit the News again, front page of my local paper
5. 2 Part Video Tip on Brakes

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Categories: General News,Newsletter

May 29, 2012
Classic VW BuGs Vintage Movement T-Shirts, Tanks, Ladies Camisoles Now on Sale!

Classic VW BuGs Vintage Movement T-Shirts, Tanks, Ladies Camisoles Now on Sale!

WOW, I finally got shirts for sale guys. I know it has been a while, I have been busy trying to find the right supplier for these tees. I will be having more for sale in the coming weeks. But for now we have two (2) Shirts for sale. Take a gander.

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Categories: General News

May 1, 2012
Classic VW BuGs Goes to Royal Palm Beach Florida for 2nd Air-Cooled Gathering

Classic VW BuGs Goes to Royal Palm Beach Florida for 2nd Air-Cooled Gathering

Vintage DuBs gathering in Royal Palm Beach Fl. 2nd SHOWING!
I am once again putting on an Air-Cooled Gathering on Sunday June 3rd 2012 in Royal Palm Beach at my sisters restaurant. I will be flying down for the event!

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Categories: General News