January 29, 2016
Classic VW BuGs Lil Buddy 1954 Oval Window Beetle Hit Bonhams Auction

My Lil Buddy! My 1st ’54 Oval window bug I restored out of my house 8 years ago went on auction last night at Bonhams auction.
Tags: 1954 Beetle,1954 Bug,1954 Oval,Bonhams Auction,Lil Buddy,Oval Beetle,Oval Bug
Categories: General News
January 28, 2016
Classic VW BuGs Classic Car Auction Weekend Blastoff!

This weekend is the BIG kickoff to all the Classic Car Auctions. Some say this is a good barometer to what the market holds for the Vintage Classic Car. VWs will be crossing the blocks in full force this weekend.
Categories: General News
Classic VW BuGs Volkswagen Beetle Replacing Front Rear Apron

This is a short video on the Beetle Front and Rear Aprons, I show the changes, the differences, and how to make them work for your year bug.
Tags: Front apron,rear apron,VW apron,vw aprons,VW beetle apron,vw bug apron
Categories: General News,Latest Videos,VW Restoration Tips
January 21, 2016
Barrett Jackson Collector Car Auction Launches this Sunday with VW Beetle BuGs

This weekend is the kickoff to the 2016 Barrett Jackson Collector Car Auction. It all starts this Saturday the 23rd!
Tags: Barrett,Barrett Jackson,Barrett Jackson Auction,Jackson,VWs Barrett
Categories: General News
January 7, 2016
Hagerty Says; Five classics you’d never guess were great investments

The classic car market has been doing quite well since recovering in 2011 from its Great Recession-induced correction. So, it’s not surprising that certain cars have increased in value in the last year. But the identity of some of the cars that did especially well can be somewhat confounding. Here are five that were surprisingly great investments:
Tags: Hagerty Article,top 5 classics,VW bug,VW ghia,vw investments,vw thing
Categories: General News
December 23, 2015
Classic VW BuGs wishes to all Beetle Lovers a Happy Healthy Merry Christmas!

Wishing everyone in the Classic VW Beetle Bug world a Happy and Healthy Merry Christmas! Check out the Cool Xmas Animations.
Tags: Bug animation,Merry Christmas,Merry Xmas VW,pre67vw,VW Animation,VW Xmas
Categories: General News,Latest Videos