June 30, 2016
Classic VW BuGs 6-30-16 Beetle Shop Vlog Update Current Restoration Projects

This is a Vlog update on our Classic VW BuGs shop as of 6-30-16. Take a peek, see what we have for sale, what’s in stock, and what we are working on.
Tags: Beetle Shop,Classic VW BuGs Update,Shop Update,Vlog update,vw shop
Categories: General News,Latest Videos
May 18, 2016
Classic VW BuGs 1943 KDF-Wagen up for Auction The Elegance at Hershey June 11th

Up for for Auction on June 11th at the Elegance at Hershey. Estimate: $275,000 – $350,000 USD
Tags: 1943 Beetle,1943 Bug,1943 KDF,Auction KDF,Beetle Auction,Hershey Elegance,KDF Beetle,KDF Bug,KDF Wagen
Categories: General News
Classic VW BuGs 1972 Volkswagen 1303 Super Beetle is like an Old Friend

Car sales warranty supervisor Andrew Ng, 52, says his 1972 Volkswagen Beetle 1303 is like an old friend, and he will keep it as long as he lives
Tags: 1302,Old Friend,Super Beetle,VW super beetle,VW Super Bug
Categories: General News