June 8, 2017
Classic VW BuGs Vintage Split Oval Window Garage Barn Find Stash in Bulgaria Eastern Europe

Here is the other video I found in my internet travels, a stash of Vintage VW Beetle Bugs in the Oval and Split window era.
Tags: barn find,Beetle Stash,Bug Stash,Split stash,Vintage VWs,volkswagen stash,vw beetle stash,VW stash
Categories: General News,Latest Videos
Classic VW BuGs Presents the Rare Vintage Air VW D’ elegance 2017 Beetle vid by Hot VWs

I am part of the RVA club, “Rare Vintage Air” and they put on this beautiful show of some of the most high end VWs I have seen in California. This was June 3rd 2017 Huntington Beach.
Tags: bug show,concours beetle show,Concours D' VW,d'elegance,RVA,RVA VW D'elegance,VW show
Categories: General News,Latest Videos
June 1, 2017
Classic VW BuGs New York 2017 Vintage VW Air-Cooled Treffen Show October 1st

It’s official, the 1st NY East Coast Vintage Air-Cooled Treffen is October 1st 2017
Tags: Air cooled treffen,NY air cooled,NY treffen,NY VW treffen,NYS treffen,VW beetle show,VW Bug show,VW NY TREFFEN,VW show,VW Treffen
Categories: General News
May 25, 2017
Classic VW BuGs Presents Denver’s tiny Volkswagen cafe is half-coffee, half-commute!

Making coffee from inside a VW beetle is a normal day’s work for Denver’s Matthew Pendleton, who, like so many millennials, is grinding to make his dreams come true. In this case, literally.
Tags: beetle coffee,bug coffee,dubs n coffee,VW and Coffee,VW coffee
Categories: General News,Latest Videos
May 18, 2017
Classic VW BuGs Article Rubber Hits the Road on my Beetle Business

I met Chris Vallone several times at local car shows. Chris runs the Classic VW Bug Shop in Congers, NY with his dad. Chris always made an entrance at the shows usually arriving with several stunning classic Beetles as examples of his work. Being consistently impressed, I decided to pay a visit to his shop.
Tags: classic bugs article,Classic VW Beetle news,Classic VW Bugs News
Categories: General News
Classic VW BuGs Forgotten Beetle Ancestor Is Going To Be Restored

I’ve written before about the fascinating and sad tale of Josef Ganz, the Jewish engineer who designed much of what would become the Volkswagen Beetle before being erased from history by all those unpleasant Nazis.
Tags: 33 vw,33 vw beetle,Early Beetle,early bug,Josef Ganz,Restoring early bug
Categories: General News