January 18, 2018
Classic VW BuGs 1970 VW Beetle Metal Rot Rust Cutting Support Rails Heater Channels Luggage

Another video showcasing the shell of a 1970 VW Beetle Convertible project. We move forward, cutting out all the old rotted metal and make way for new metal! See how we support the shell in this video with 4x4s and door braces.
Tags: 1970 Beetle Project,1970 Bug,1970 Bug Connvertible,1970 Project,1970 VW beetle,1970 VW project
Categories: General News,Latest Videos,VW Restoration Tips
Classic VW BuGs Installing Vinyl Headliner for your Vintage Beetle Restoration

In this video I do a product review on vinyl headliners for your Vintage VW Beetle. Who do you buy from? TMI or Sewfine? All depends on your Budget. I give you the scoop!
Tags: Beetle headliner,bug headliner,sewfine headliner,TMI headliner,vw beetle headliner
Categories: General News,Latest Videos
Classic VW BuGs What Color to Spray Beetle Seat Frames Shifter Ebrake Steering Column

Hey Guys here is a short video on what color to paint seat frames, ebrake handle, steering column, shifter, etc for your ’65 and earlier VWs.
Tags: ebake paint,Krylon,Rustoleum,Seat frame Paint,Steering column,Valspar,VW Beetle Frames,VW Bug Paint,vw seat frames
Categories: General News,Latest Videos,VW Restoration Tips
January 4, 2018
Classic VW BuGs Beetles at Classic Car Auctions Barrett Jackson Mecum RM Gooding Russo 2018

Hey guys here is a short video our beloved VWs crossing the auction blocks in 2018. These auctions for the most part will tell a tale on the future of the VWs in the classic car market for 2018 and beyond.
Tags: 2018 Auctions,Auction Block,Barrett Jackson,Classic Car Auctions,Classic VW Bugs auction,Gooding and company,Mecum,RM auctions,Russo Steele,VW Bugs
Categories: General News,Latest Videos