Classic VW BuGs Younger generations show growing interest in Vintage Volkswagens

More young people are showing an interest in buying classic Volkswagens, according to data from Hagerty Classic Car Insurance.
Tags: millennial generation,young beetle,young bug owner,young VW
Categories: General News
Classic VW BuGs Oldest known production VW Beetle has been Restored!

When Ondrej Brom purchased an old Volkswagen Beetle rotting underneath a tree, he had no idea it was the oldest surviving production example.
Tags: Beetle Restored,bug restored,early vw,KDF,KDF restored,KDF Wagen,Vintage Beetle
Categories: General News,Latest Videos
November 23, 2018
Classic VW BuGs 5 Reasons Why You Should Own a Vintage Beetle

Hey Volks, here is a short video on why you would want to own a vintage Volkswagen Beetle. I lay out 5 basic reasons, in no particular order.
Tags: 5 reasons,buy a beetle,buy a bug,owning a bug,reasons to own vw,vw ownership
Categories: General News,Latest Videos,VW Restoration Tips
November 3, 2018
Classic VW BuGs 2018 Fall Foliage Vintage Beetle Ghia Air-Cooled Cruise

Here is the 2 Part video series of the our 2018 Classic VW BuGs Fall Foliage Vintage Air-Cooled Cruise into the Hudson Valley New York!
Tags: 2018 fall cruise,2018 VW cruise,air-cooled cruise,Beetle Cruise,bug cruise,fall cruise
Categories: General News,Latest Videos