June 7, 2019
Classic VW BuGs Break In TIME for your Vintage Volkswagen Beetle

This is just a quick video discussion on the “break in” period once your VW is fully restored, and you head out for the first time.
Tags: vw break in period,VW Restoration
Categories: General News,Latest Videos,VW Restoration Tips
May 16, 2019
Classic VW BuGs Best Restoration Sheet Metal Panels for Vintage Beetle

If you would like to Donate to my Channel, please click HERE Thank You So Much! In this short video I show you a project we are working on, a 1956 Oval Window Sedan, part of our “Build-A-BuG” program.Follow Project HERE Many of the resto panels on the market are not year specific to complete […]
Tags: restoration panels,vwbeetlemetal
Categories: General News,Latest Videos,VW Restoration Tips
May 9, 2019
Classic VW BuGs 1957 Oval Window Ragtop Beetle Restoration Complete

Here is the final video for one of our “Build-A-BuG” projects that we completed in 2019. A 1957 Oval Window Ragtop Beetle in metallic beige.
Tags: 1957resto,1957vw,BuildABug
Categories: General News,Latest Videos
April 18, 2019
Classic VW BuGs Vintage Beetle Metal Sunroof Headliner Install Rails Intro

In this quick video I intro our upcoming Metal Sunroof Headliner Installation and I briefly discuss the metal rails that get installed in the sunroof.
Tags: sliding sunroof,Sunroof,VW beetle sunroof,vw sunroof
Categories: General News,Latest Videos,VW Restoration Tips