Are you interested in getting a Build-A-Bug? Visit our Submission Form & Information Page, fill out the information and we will get to you as soon as we can.
Ben reached out to me late 2023 about this very cool 1964 VW Beetle convertible that has been in his family since 1964.
Mike contacted me early last year looking for a 1956 Oval Beetle for his wife. It had to be a ragtop and it had to be a 1956 since that was the year his wife was born. Pics Update 09/12/19
Bernie contacted me in early 2016 looking for an early beetle ragtop sunroof. We found this 1957 Oval Ragtop out of NM. PICS UPDATED! 06/13/19
Build-A-BuG PROJECT ’66 SUNROOF! Project UPDATE 07/26/19
Yet another 1965 restoration project makes its way to our shop Classic VW BuGs. PICS & Video UPDATED 7/16/18
Well! Another Build-A-BuG added to our list. This 1957 Oval Ragtop was found for James out of NC.
Barbara’s 1974 Super Beetle Sedan Build-A-BuG PiCS updated 11/23/16
1962 “Build-A-BuG” for Jennifer B! NOW FOR SALE! 25k OBO
One of the nicest Oval Rag projects we have come across. PICS UPDATED 10-6-16, Video Updates 10-13-16. We Are Finished, it was an honor to work on it.
1952 Split Ragtop Build-A-BuG for Chris! Pics Updated 5-5-16
PICS/Video UPDATED 10-1-15, Project Completed Oct. 2015