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73 Classic VWs make it to the 2022 Fall Foliage Cruise

Hey Volks! This is my 11th annual Fall Foliage Cruise video. The event took place on October 29th 2022. This year I took a different approach to the video, a more organic experience. In the past I made videos cut to music, effects, etc.

This year (at the request to many of my viewers) I just let the cameras roll inside a few of the cars. You get to see pretty much the entire run in this video. Sit and hear the classic VW air-cooled engines HUMM while you look at the wonderful fall colors the Hudson Valley NY has to offer. You are the passenger!

Take a ride with us in this famous cruise! We hit a record in 2022, 73 VWs on the convoy, incredible!

Last years cruise (2021) can be seen here

if you want to see the ride with music, a little more of a cinematic feel.

Last Updated: November 6th, 2022