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Classic VW BuGs First Open House Dubs & Coffee May 4th 2019

Classic VW BuGs Dubs & Coffee Saturday May 4th 2019


That’s right guys, we are having our 1st of the 2019 season Air-Cooled “DuBs & Coffee” gathering Saturday May 4th at 10am-1pm at our shop 22 Burts Rd. Congers NY 10920. This is our 1st show/open house gathering of the 2019 season as we sail through spring!

*I know Sundays were our normal routine in the past, but due to other shop activity in this complex, we had to move to Saturdays.  Sorry for the inconvenience.*

So come out, show off your air-cooled ride in the fresh Spring air, any Bug, Ghia, Type 2, Fastback, Porsche, Thing, whatever Air-Cooled. Come chat, mingle, and network with the vintage air-cooled scene.  Food will be on hand, free to all, no admission, no trophies, just come and have fun.  See the shop and the latest projects we are working on. More info, call 845.290.9900

I am looking to unload many parts that I have, so if you are looking for anything in particular, let me know, I may have it. I will have a table out of all the stuff I want to sell and or get rid of. =o)

Past video of our gatherings

Last Updated: April 3rd, 2019