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Latest Build-A-Bug: Ben’s 1964 Convertible Beetle “Build-A-BuG”

Classic VW BuGs Two guys from Billings drove a 1957 Volkswagen ‘Bug’ to Pike’s Peak and back

Remember this story I mentioned back in May of 2017?  See HERE!

Well the Billings Boys are back and they did their trip to Pikes Peak and Back.  These fellas contacted me at the very start of their journey, they were grateful for my videos to help restore their bug to take their trip.


Dave Kucera and Sam Schaumann with Schaumann’s 1957 Volkswagen Beetle on his farm near Billings. The two best friends took a road trip from Billings to Colorado and back in the 61-year-old car in Sept. 2017.  In 1967, they took the same trip upon graduating high school — in the same car.

Sam and Dave’s Great Adventure: By the Numbers

Total miles traveled in the ’57 Volkswagen Beetle 

Total gallons of fuel used

Total oil used
1/2 quart

Miles per gallon

Top speed
67 miles per hour — on the flat with no wind

Top speed ascending Pike’s Peak
10 to 12 miles per hour

Range of view from Pike’s Peak summit
100 miles in every direction

Number of Facebook fans for Sam and Dave’s Great Adventure




Last Updated: October 19th, 2017