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Latest Build-A-Bug: Ben’s 1964 Convertible Beetle “Build-A-BuG”

Classic VW BuGs How to Collector Car Market Beetle Value Guide 2015

This short video I discuss the current market state for the Vintage VW in 2015.  Whether it is to buy and drive or having a beetle restored, you should have a general idea of what the market is for our beloved DuBs.  Too many people get caught up “in the moment” and buy on impulse and do not do their HW when it comes to a purchase.

They just want the FUN pleasures of driving a beetle, but then usually overpay, this is fine if it is sentimental.  When it comes time to sell, (most people do sell today eventually) they want to sell for at least what they paid for the beetle if not more.

This is fine, we all want to make money, but you can’t put the brunt on the next buyer because you paid over market value.  I go through this all the time with sellers, they tell me “I just have to get back what I have in it.”  And I say, “what you have in it and what the car is worth are two different things.”  Don’t punish me for your foolish mistake! =o)


Chris Vallone

Last Updated: August 7th, 2015