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Latest Build-A-Bug: Ben’s 1964 Convertible Beetle “Build-A-BuG”

Kudos Thank Yous! By William Shearin, Owns a 1970 Classic VW Beetle Bug


I rarely send e-mails to folks I’ve not met. But after spending the last 4 or 5 hours watching your videos I feel as if I know you and am compelled to reach out.

Let me join the masses in thanking you for unraveling many of the mysteries surrounding the inner, sometimes dark, secret workings of our collective passion called “The Bug”.

I bought my 70′ type 1 a year ago and it has been both a joy and a headache. More headache at first, and now more joy. I would attribute the headaches mostly to not really fully understanding my Bug. But I’m learning. And the last hours have expanded my understanding fourfold. I’m not planning a full restore but enough to be very proud to drive. (My engine is even now sitting in the middle of my dining room). (No garage). Good thing I’m already divorced. LOL….Sorry, I digress.

As I return my Bug back to the world of working daily drivers I intend to fix a number of issues and your website and videos have done more for my education than you can ever imagine.

Your are truly an artist.

Thank you,


Last Updated: April 7th, 2012