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Classic VW BuGs Kicks off 2012 with a BanG! Feature Article in Air-Cooled Mag.







Happy 2012 Everyone! This is a the 1st newsletter of the year.

I hope everyone had a great Holiday and a Happy New Year.

I have many things in store for you guys this year;
-New How To Videos for YouTube & How tos going to DVD
-New “Vintage VW Movement” T-Shirts are being designed as we speak.
-Phone call and tele-seminar interviews/courses
-More Build-A-BuGs
-We Move to a New SHOP!
-Me and my story hit the front cover of Air-Cooled Classics Magazine

I have a huge list of new “How Tos” I have in store for you. Many will be released in the coming weeks, ex. a REVAMP of my ever popular “What to Look out for before Buying a BuG” & “How to sell your BuG.” We all get smarter over the years so I think it is time to redo that series with new eyes and techniques.

Others in the lineup are;
-Carb Rebuild
-Steering Wheel Resto
-Installing mudflaps
-Fan Belt install
-One piece headliner install (DVD)
-Multi-Piece Headliner install (DVD)
-Beetle Year Breakdowns & Changes.
-and more…

I want to hear from YOU what you would like to see. Throw me an email of what “How to” you would like to see and maybe if it hits the nail on the head on a topic I have not covered, I will do it. Please state your name and where you are from and I can plug ya as well. Just hit the contact tab above on this page.

New “Vintage VW Movement” T-Shirts
Hell yeah! I am in my design stage on these t-shirts. These are shirts that will spread the word to keep our Classic VWs Vintage and STOCK. We are saturated within shows and magazines on the “Cal” look and pimped out VWs. We need more people to keep the integrity of these cars and bring them back to what they are supposed to be. Once they go on sale and if you decide to purchase one, please put that shirt on, SnaP a photo of yourself next to your Vintage ride, and send it to me. I will post it on my website.

Phone call and tele-seminar interviews/courses
I have some ideas this year to throw some seminars and phone interviews on many topics in buggy land. Some webinars are also in thought as well. Maybe do a seminar shot live and streamed on the web on “General Maintenance.” There could even be a session on where to get the best parts, which suppliers to choose, where to get the rare ones, etc.
I would love to hear your input on this as well, shoot me an email.

We kick off the 2012 year with 6 projects in the line up. Unfortunately the cost to run this biz has increased, so prices will be adjusted this year with new projects that sign on. If you need more info on what a “Build-A-BuG” costs please do not hesitate to call me, 845.290.9900.

I will always keep you up to date on the latest projects and how we move along with each of them with pics and videos. These are just another great way to learn some techniques for your VW.

Yeah that is right we are moving…well not very far. My land lord is putting up a brand new building in the same lot we are already in, so he asked us kindly to just relocate right next door. No worries we are still at 22 Burts Rd. in Congers NY.

Oh yeah my 1955 Ragtop makes the front cover of Air-Cooled Classics Magazine. This is a cool online magazine that I was approached by in the latter half of 2011. I think these guys are onto something with this mag by placing it strictly on the net. Sooner or later all of our mags will be read online either through our computers, or phones, or gadgets, and tablets. They can be saved on a drive and not take up shelf space.

I have piles of back issues of VW Trends, Hot VWs, VolksWorld, and Ultra VW. What am I doing with them? They take up space!

Anyways… these guys at this mag did a cool job of doing a feature on my ’55 ragtop and my BuG BiZ. I even made the centerfold! haha. No worries, no skin shown here. =o) Ok bad joke Chris.

Here is the Virtual Mag Below! You can flip through pages and even save it on your hard drive as a PDF.

You can also download the PDF Version of the mag HERE.

Until then, Have a Great Weekend!

Chris Vallone

Last Updated: November 25th, 2017