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Classic VW Bugs 2011 Recap, Moving on to 2012!

Hey my VduB BuDs!

This will be my last newsletter of the 2011 year. So I took it upon myself to do a refresh of all the great things that I experienced this year with the “Vintage VW Movement” and my biz

I started off the 2011 year stating that we will be moving away from the eBay marketplace when it came to sell our VWs. My goal in 2011 was to concentrate strictly on our “Build-A-BuG” program which has been growing and growing. We currently have a 2 year wait time to restore our Vintage VWs for the PeePs out there. This will continue to be the case in 2012 as we know more projects will come along.

We finished off 2011 with an eBay sale of the recent 1969 Delta Green Sedan, this was the only bug we put up on eBay this year, but it actually sold outside of the online marketplace.

Classic VW Bugs Hits the NEWS in January of 2011!
We kicked off the 2011 year big time when one of our Build-A-BuG projects hit the local news. As we were stripping the bug we found something special. Take a peek below.


Online Interview with my now good friend Eric Shoemaker and his site
Chris Vallone with one of his VW Bugs
I met Eric online late last year somehow in the VW world and he expressed his interest in art and VWs, so we were in the same boat. Eric created his own VW site and has now been expanding his ventures with it. He asked to interview me in January of 2011, I said “Hell Yeah!” You can read it HERE.

The Year of My 1955 Ragtop Bug!
1955 Bug
In 2010 I found, er… I should say the car found me, a 1955 Ragtop Oval BuG. One of my dreams was to have either a late 54 rag or early 55 ragtop oval bug. To me they are rare and special. Why? Because they fell into a time period when VW was doing so many changes to the bug in such short span. The late 54 to 55 bugs had a 6 month only tail light for US bound bugs, and it was called the “Egg” or “Bubble” tail light. They are unique and not many people have seen them before.

I just always wanted an oval 3 fold rag with egg tail lights, semaphores, ribbed doors, and batwing steering wheel. Well this car must of heard my cry, I got a call. The last owner read about me in the local newspaper and called me saying he has a bunch of VW CRAP that he needs to get rid of! So I said “Oh really! Whatcha Got?” He said, “a shed full of VW parts, motors, trannys, and crap.” I asked “anything else?” “Oh yeah I have a 1955 Sunroof.” I told him “I’ll be there in 15 Min!” He literally was straight down the main highway from me, I couldn’t believe it. My dream bug was right under my nose the next town over, it was meant to BE!

After some negotiating, we made a deal of a lifetime. Then after we made the deal, “Oh I have some paperwork to show you.” What does he do? He just nonchalantly whips out the ORIGINAL BILL OF SALE from 1955. This was the first bug I have ever owned where I have the original Bill of Sale. It couldn’t be more perfect. If he would of shown it to me earlier, I do not think there would have been much negotiating, I would have stuck my hand out immediately. We started the resto in March of 2010, we finished it exactly 1 year later. She sits proudly in my shop as one of our best pieces of art we have ever resurrected.

The rest of the story is in my Scrapbook Below.

Click here to view this photo book larger

Shutterfly offers exclusive layouts and designs so you can make your book just the way you want.

2nd Place at the June 2011 Litchfield “BuG-In” Classic Beetle Show in CT.
No doubt my oval Popped out among all the other Ovals on display, but when it came down to the absolute period correctness, I fell short to the Legend Humberto Lapa and his awesome 1955 Ultramaroon Sedan. When it comes to judges, they will take correctness over eye candy any day. No bother, just to win something was special.

Classic VW Beetle Bugs Bound Brook NJ 2011 Show N Shine.

Another Great Show I attended held by the Central NJ Club.


followed by…

The Vintage VW So Cal Treffen
Ok…did I tell you this was the best VW show I have ever attended? This was a last minute booking I took to Cali to see this show, man I am so glad I did, I didn’t want to leave. This was a show that only allowed 1959 and earlier VWs and only ’57 and earlier bugs. This is a 3 Part Video. Just awesome, maybe next time I will ship my bug out there.
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

FairField CT Concours D’ Elegance
This year we had a great surprise with my pride and joy, my 1955 Ragtop BuG.

For the 1st time the Concours D’ Elegance in Fairfield CT. accepted a Classic VW Beetle, it was an honor to attend to such a prestigious show. It was amazing to see my bug sitting next to 6 figure and 7 figure cars. What was even more special was the crowd we generated at this show. More people could relate to our Bug than any other car on display.

I still have to edit the video I shot of this show, my apologies. I even shot Wayne Carini from the show “Chasing Classic Cars” as he looked over my Beetle and shook our hands. It was a special day for me and my PoP.

VW Gatherings and My Fall Foliage Cruise of 2011

Throughout this year I put on some monthly VW gatherings at my shop during the spring, summer, and fall. It usually was the 1st Sunday of the month. 3-4 hour meetings with breakfast snacks, showing of VWs, and a great DuB scene.

But a really great event we put on was our Fall Foliage 50 Mile cruise into the Hudson Valley. We have gotten such a great response from the video I shot of the cruise that I think we will have more Classic VWs hitting our convoy next year. The scenery was beautiful with the leaves changing color, the weather was picture perfect. I plan on doing 2 cruises next year of 2012, one in the spring and the other again in the fall.

Build-A-BuG Grows!
Pops and I kick off 2012 with five Build-A-BuG projects. We get calls on a daily basis of “what is this Build-A-BuG program I hear about?”

On the 1st of January 2012 we get featured in
This should be awesome, the story of my biz and my ’55 rag are covered. I can’t wait!

2012 and My Ambitions!
-We move into a NEW SHOP in Feb.
-I will be pushing the Vintage VW Movement
-T-Shirts will be created and listed for sale pushing my movement
-More How To Videos
-Monthly Subscription based service with exclusive videos, webinars/seminars, and Q&A private sessions.
-More Cruises, Gatherings, and shows to attend!
-and more…

I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a Happy New Year, lets kick off 2012 with a VduB BANG!

See you in 2012,

Chris Vallone

Last Updated: December 23rd, 2011