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Latest Build-A-Bug: Ben’s 1964 Convertible Beetle “Build-A-BuG”

This Weeks NewsLetter! Aug. 9th 2011

Hey GuYs!

1955 BugI know I am out a lil early this week with a newsletter, but I just wanted to put the word out that I am putting together (if anyone wants to join me) a convoy to the Terryville CT BuG-A-Fair this Sunday the 14th. This is the 20th annual show, weather looks like low 80s no humidity. So far it is up in the air for rain, but who knows till the day before. More info on the show can be found here:

We will be meeting at my shop at say 8:00am, leave by 8:30am the latest. You can also meet me on the highway 84E if you wish. Please let me know ASAP if you plan on going. Call or email me 845.290.9900

Also, the 1972 Beetle Sedan is finally complete! I have the slide-show gallery ready for you if need be.

I have been getting many inquires on this buggie. Others have asked if I plan to put it on eBay, as of right now NO! We have been getting enough traffic on it as is. They do not get much better than this 72. Call if interested, there is also financing options available, I can forward you to reputable companies.

Until then, keep buggin!

Chris Vallone

Last Updated: August 18th, 2011

