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Latest Build-A-Bug: Ben’s 1964 Convertible Beetle “Build-A-BuG”

1964 VW Beetle BuG Sedan “The Orange Effect”

SOLD OCT. 2010

Now you know we rarely paint our cars an outrageous color, but we found this car on the internet sitting in Cali already painted. The color is a Nissan color called “The Orange Effect.” It looked great in the pics from the net so we had to buy it. She came in as a painted shell and we did everything else. We redid all cosmetics, floor pan repair, mechanicals, wiring, engine, chrome, seals, everything that a newly painted car would need when it returned from our body shop. She was a show stopper! A guy from TX called us to do a BUILD-A-BUG, and he wanted a 64. I said no need! I have a 64 for ya already done! Want it? He said “Yeah!”


Last Updated: April 6th, 2012